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Restoration diary

Reports of restoration work on 50029 and 50030.

Announcement of working party dates and details of restoration work carried out at working parties.

Working party reports April-May 2016

Refurbished fire bottles area inside 50030.
​18th April 2016I brought the good battery charge diode back and carried on cleaning and undercoating cubicle covers, scraped loose paint off the roof over the cubicle and finished re-threading the holes for the slotted covers right at the top of the cubicle.Dave Rolfe has cleaned and painted the area behind where the fire bottles stand next to the...
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3607 Hits

Working party reports and updates January-April 2016

Battery charge diode ex-50030 (left) and a spare from RRRG stores (right). The ex-loco component gave suspect results during routine testing and both were taken for more in-depth tests courtesy of another group.
​A compilation of work party reports since our last updates.25th January 2016Dave Rolfe and Peter Carter continued to put the new oil into the ex-50008 power unit, I refitted the reverser actuator cylinder and checked out the battery charge diode again, which still gave strange readings, and re-threaded some more of the electrical cubicle cover hol...
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4077 Hits

Work party reports 30th November 2015 and 17th January 2016

Work party reports 30th November 2015 and 17th January 2016
The reverser for 50030 with the air connection temporarily attached to the actuator. We successfully operated the air valves from an off board compressor to prove we had the correct connections.
On 15th November, Ian, Pete and Dave continued filling the power unit with the new oil, checking for leaks along the way, and blanking off pipes that cannot be fitted before the PU is lifted back into Repulse. Dom and I continued belling out the electrical cubicle wiring, and completed all the cables from the compressor, rad fan, ...
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4805 Hits

Working party report 15th November 2015

Working party report 15th November 2015
Dave Rolfe, Peter Carter and Ian Kemp started filling the power unit with the new oil supplied by Morris Lubricants, checking for leaks along the way. I met and showed the prospective new welder what areas require his attention on Repulse, and also showed recent member Deborah Stokes more thoroughly round Repulse than I was able to do at the open d...
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4064 Hits

Working party report 25th October 2015

Working party report 25th October 2015
The work party was attended by Dave Rolfe and myself plus Mark Burrows in the morning. Mark dropped off a set of cab desk panels for me to take a look at, then spent the rest of the morning searching through our stores of other cab parts. The panels appear to be in good condition but are missing the speedometer.  We have this item in stock els...
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