Wes Needle, Dave Rolfe and myself were on site today. I did this as an extra day as Wes was bringing one of the cable switch panels that goes above the driver's position in No.1 cab, and I need to see how to clean the contacts and wire connectors before we can fit it. Wes helped Dave sorting out door hinges and closers for the engine compartment doors, and Dave did more painting in the engine compartment. Wes test fitted a panel he'd cut to replace a missing one in No.1 cab, and the surround that goes round the big M8 brake controller. I started extending and connecting the bunch of severed wires behind the centre cab desk panel in No.1 cab. Each through crimp was covered with heat shrink sleeving, and before the wires were attached to the push buttons, the contacts were removed and cleaned. (Photographs by the author).