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Restoration diary

Reports of restoration work on 50029 and 50030.

Announcement of working party dates and details of restoration work carried out at working parties.

Work party report 1st October 2023

Work party report 1st October 2023
​Dave Rolfe, Mark Burrows, Carl and Sofy Looker, Jay Hirst and I were on site today. Mark was sorting out the shims for when the ETH generator is fitted into Repulse, then removed the elbows from the broken airpipes in both cabs, to allow more room for the repairs. Dave carried on sorting out the stuck radiator louvres, and assi...
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1419 Hits

Work party report 24th September 2023

Work party report 24th September 2023
The completed change end switch ready for reinstallation into the no 1 end cab of 50030. Photo by Andy Rowlands.
Dave Rolfe and I were on site today. Dave was dismantling part of the radiator louvre system, as one side was not operating when we tested it with an air supply last week, as reported before, to try and discover why the shutter blades didn't move. Dave subsequently discovered that the seals on the two air engines for this set of louvres&n...
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1299 Hits

Work party report 17 September 2023

Work party report 17 September 2023
Dave Rolfe, Richard Wade, Jay Hirst, Mark Burrows and I were on site today. Richard carried on checking the battery isolation switch and shore supply and battery charge wiring. Jay and I attempted to fit the upper internal panel that goes above the change end switch in No.1 cab, but most of the mounting holes didn't line up, so we looked ...
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1178 Hits

Work party report 3rd September 2023

​Dave Rolfe, Carl and Sofy Looker, Richard Dale and I were on site today. Dave was removing pipework from the spare cab (formerly of 50037 Illustrious and purchased for this very reason), Carl and Sofy rubbed down and undercoated all four cabsides on 50030, then removed some cab handrails to de-rust and prime the difficult-...
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987 Hits

Work party report 13th August 2023

Mark Burrows, Dave Rolfe and I were on site today. Mark brought back the 16 overhauled fuel pumps, and they were placed in store for now. Dave started pressure-testing the two air engines that operate the rad fan shutters on either side of the radiator compartment now replacement covers have been fabricated for the EP valves, as the originals ...
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1085 Hits